Destination Vacation Magazine
Looking for ideas for your next vacation destination? If you have no idea where you want to travel to next? This helpful destination vacation magazine can get you started.

Someplace new:
Cuba –
Soon people from the USA will be able to travel to Cuba. There are 12 types of travel that are currently allowed. Travel & Leisure has a great article on things you need to know. The rest of the world has been vacationing in Cuba for some time. There are beautiful people, beaches and resorts.
One of the fastest growing European markets! Over 1200 islands, blue water and quaint villages rich in history. Traveling here is easy and very diverse. Dubrovnik is the Capitol city, located on the Adriatic Sea and surrounded by a wall that is 39 feet thick in places! This European jewel is a must see.
Charleston, South Carolina-
Words that describe Charleston- Historic, foodie heaven, mansions and of course Southern hospitality! See page 30 for more.
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