Exciting, you are planning your wedding! What’s your next step? Going to a local Bridal show or expo of course!

Bridal show, sometimes called wedding show, or bridal fairs are a great way to meet many of the businesses and people you need to pull off the perfect day.

Here’s a few tips to get the most enjoyment out of your next bridal show or bridal expo when planning your wedding.

#1 – Wear good shoes- There is usually a lot of walking involved. You might be there for an hour or on larger shows you might be there all day? Depending on your planning and what you have left to take care of.

#2 – Bring a bag- Bridal shows are full of vendors who want you to remember them, most of the time this means bringing home business cards, promotional pens, pricing flyers, and other various items. Many times the organizer will give away bags, sometimes they run out, there may be bags sacks not the right size for every thing, or not very good quality when they get heavy.

#3 – Have a plan! Every couple is in different planning stages for their wedding. Know what you are
looking to find can help save you time. Do you need a cake (many have samples), honeymoon, photographer, reception decor or still looking for a dress? Most likely there will be more than one of each category.  They will be spread out and not usually next to each other, another reason for those comfortable walking shoes!Bridal show brain mem

#4- Pre printed labels – Many times there are drawings for prizes. You can sign up for newsletters or extra information from the wedding businesses. Pre printed labels can save you from hand writing dozens of times. Labels get accurate information to the wedding service provider; without the trouble of deciphering hand writing. Have your labels include:

#5- Keep an eye out for professional vendors

Anyone who pays the organizer’s fee to be in the wedding show or expo can be there. This does not mean they are professional or will do a great job for your wedding. Do the vendors or businesses have:

  • Professional looking signage
  • Professional looking business cards
  • Takes time to talk to you answer a few basic questions
  • Are they dressed to impress

If these businesses don’t impress you at the one time they should! Imagine what kind of care they are going to take when providing the service you need for your wedding? Check them out as you would any one you are going to hire for your wedding.

If you have seen Just 4U Travel at a Bridal show, let us know if the comments below.

Would you like to contact us click here.

Have a good time and enjoy!